Advance Editing Easy-Go Pack

  • Work with a committed project manager who is a journal and editorial specialist.
  • Get unparalleled support and a full year of free paper revisions.
  • Your article won't ever be disregarded because of linguistic irregularities and plagiarism issues.
  • Work with a team of journal and editorial experts who can help achieve success at all steps of the publication process -- from journal selection to manuscript submission

Services available in this pack

Plagiarism Check (by iThenticate)
Manuscript Editing
Formatting and Artwork Editing
Paper Submission

Additional benefits:

  • Year-round support
  • Resubmission Assistance
  • Reduced Word Count support
  • Resume/Cover Letter

Delivery and Pricing

Word Count
Standard Delivery
Express Delivery
Upto 5,000 words
21 Business Days
14 Business Days
Upto 5,000 words
23 Business Days
15 Business Days
Upto 5,000 words
25 Business Days
16 Business Days
Upto 5,000 words
27 Business Days
17 Business Days
Upto 5,000 words
29 Business Days
18 Business Days

Scientific Societies

are associated with Researchpaper across the globe

The ResearchPaper


( Best Quality, Least Price )

Let’s Get Started

100% Top-Rated Guarantee

In the extremely unlikely event that you are not delighted with our work, we will revise it until you are.

Furthermore, you receive a complete refund with no questions asked if you are still unsatisfied.

Always punctual

We always assist you in meeting deadlines, frequently by completing work in just 8 hours.

Additionally, we provide a full refund if we ever fail to meet a deadline by even a single minute.

Maximum Level of Data Security

We make a strong effort to protect your work by enforcing a tight NDA on all of our specialists and staff.

Our most recent ISO-compliant systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified) keep your files secure as well.