Advantages of The Journal Selection Assistant Service

We thoroughly review your manuscript and match it with a database of international journals, such as SCI, SSCI, Web of Science, Scopus, etc., to recommend the top 3-5 journals for better chances of publication. However, some journal recommendations are based on the author's preferences and the manuscript's quality, and some are only based on the manuscript's quality. If our recommended journals reject your manuscript due to a scope mismatch, we will provide a maximum of 2 additional journal recommendations.

Our highly experienced subject-matter experts will provide vital feedback on:

  • Language of the manuscript
  • Publication readiness in its current state and required changes
  • Significance of results
  • Manuscript length vis-à-vis the suggested journals
  • Whether all the findings are appropriately stated and backed by substantial evidence
  • Novelty of researc

Reasons why you might need Editing Services:

  • Revised/rejected something while you were writing, and someone else checked the accuracy of your work.
  • You may have made mistakes while editing or need help correcting them.
  • Your document is way too long and needs to be split into multiple parts for easier reading/transcription/translation.
  • A section of your text is in one language, but the others are in another, and you want each section properly edited so that there are no linguistic errors present.

Let’s have a look at the client type who may seek help at revised paper editing

One whose submission has been rejected earlier by chosen journal

Individuals who are working on academic papers, business documents, or any other type of document that needs to be error-free.

Businesspeople who would like to have their documents look flawless and error-free.

Individuals who want an expert opinion on the contents of their document before submission.

Students who are struggling with grammar and syntax errors in their papers.

Professionals who need help with polished writing

Individuals who require an extra set of eyes to proofread their work for errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any condition that would compromise the academic or intellectual integrity of the work will result in a paper being rejected. This includes, but is not limited to: factual inaccuracies, inconsistencies in research methodology, plagiarism, and other forms of cheating/copying from other sources without proper citation, exceeding page limit by more than 10%, etc.

A revised/rejected paper editing service can help you to improve, or your, academic writing skills and correct any errors that may have been found in your manuscript. By having our team look over your document, we will be able to identify all areas that need improvement and make suggestions on how best to address them. In addition, we can also provide feedback on whether or not your paper is well written overall. This can help you to increase the chance of being accepted for publication in a journal or thesis submission process.

We offer three different types of revisions: grammatical, stylistic, and content alterations. Grammatical corrections include fixing misspellings, and changing incorrect grammar usage. Stylistic changes involve tidying up messy sentences by removing fragments or awkward adjectives; streamlining complex ideas into shorter, more concise statements; and eliminating unnecessary words from a text. Content alterations entail adding new information, rewording existing material to be more reader-friendly or factually accurate, altering headings or subheadings as needed ,and restructuring entire words. All three revision types can be done in line with your specific instructions or preferences .

All our papers are thoroughly edited and proofread before they're sent out for feedback - our turnaround times vary depending on the complexity of the revision request(s). However, it is usually quicker than waiting weeks for an original paper to finally reach you after submitting it!

Reasons why you might need Editing Services for your Research Paper?

  • Revised/rejected something while you were writing and someone else checked the accuracy of your work.
  • You may have made mistakes while editing or need help correcting them.
  • Your document is longer than normal and needs to be split into multiple parts for easier reading/transcription/translation.
  • One section of your text is in one language but the rest is in another, and you want each section properly edited so that there are no linguistic errors present.

Benefits of Expert Revision Editing Services

Revised/rejected editing services include: catching mistakes before they go live on your website, correcting grammar and spelling errors, tightening up sentence structure, improving readability and putting together accurate research paper format, reducing clutter and noise on pages, eliminating unidiomatic word usage, enhancing headings and subheadings with specific information in them.

  • tighter word counts/less reworking needed
  • the accurate final product, early detection of mistakes
  • fewer rejections and improved confidence while submitting work.

Our Expert Services for Rejected Research Paper Publication

  • Edit your work carefully and thoroughly to make sure that all grammar mistakes are corrected, typos eradicated, and inconsistencies in sentence structure addressed before getting the published paper.
  • Make sure that all research has been properly cited and that any data or statistics used have been validated according to agreed-upon standards.
  • Address any changes in nomenclature made during peer review if they were not asked for beforehand (this is especially splitting with terminology such as sex/gender)
  • Once revisions are complete, we provide expert advice to review them before submitting them again for further scrutiny by an editorial board or individual reviewers (depending on the journal).

How can we help you?

Our two rounds of Substantive Editing specializing in your research field will ensure that your work is properly edited and proofread. A revision may include fixing grammar and spelling mistakes, correcting inconsistencies in your research outline, adjusting sentence structure, and making sure your arguments are logically organized.

Our team will ensure that your revised manuscript fully addresses the issues raised by the reviewers and that it is error-free. In addition, our team will help you polish the research paper manuscript for a better presentation

  • We ensure that all questions are answered in your reply to the reviewer's letter.
  • We want your revised manuscript to be as perfect as possible so that it receives positive feedback from reviewers and ultimately gets published.

Re-writing rounds

We ensure that your paper is revised at least twice before it is ready for final editing. This will help ensure that all of your mistakes have been corrected and that the content is well-organized and engaging. Once we have completed our initial review, our experts will then need to revise the paper again to get it perfect from a stylistic perspective. Our Editing Department strives for perfection, so please don't hesitate to contact us if you find any typos or formatting errors after you receive your edited copy.

We Deliver

  • - Quality paper writing that meets your specifications.
  • - Customizable writing that meets your specific needs.
  • - On-time delivery that guarantees your satisfaction.
  • - You get a paper that is well-researched, error-fre,e and follows all the required research formatting and mla or apa style paper guidelines.
  • - We follow a strict plagiarism detection process to ensure that all our papers are original.

Our Well-defined process for providing Continuous support.

Our support team will

  • constantly monitor the journal for any issues that might crop up and resolve them as soon as possible.
  • Proactively monitor the journal submissions-submissions process.
  • kin touch with the authors at regular intervals to check on the status of their submissions
  • Unlimited times of re-editing up to 30% of the content, Editing your reply to rev viewer letter, and Reformatting your manuscript (allowing changes of journals)New cover supports you with content editing through email or phone calls to ensure that you are fully satisfied with our services.