We offer an amazing array of features that make submitting a breeze.

Our highly experienced subject-matter experts will provide vital feedback on:

  • Manuscript formatting according to journal guidelines
  • Pre-submission reviews,
  • Paginated PDFs for easy collaboration,
  • Creating a cover letter to address the journal editor
  • Hassle-free journal account creation & submission
  • Online manuscript management tools

Research Paper.io also offers excellent customer service so you can always feel confident in your manuscript's journey through the publishing process.

Advantages of Research Paper journal submission services

  • Our Journal submission services can help you increase the visibility of your academic research by submitting it to top-tier publishing venues.
  • We use certified editors who have expertise in the field of Writing for Research Scholarly Pressures, which means that your papers will be well-crafted and free of syntactic errors.
  • You will also likely receive feedback on your papers early in the process so that any revisions can be made without delay.

How We Execute Our Submissions?

  • Our team of experienced editors will review each article carefully, making sure that it meets the high standards of quality that the journals demand.
  • Once we have determined that the article is suitable for publication, we will send you a notification containing all the necessary details about submitting the article or the online system.
  • You then simply need to complete the submission process by following the instructions provided in the notification.
  • This streamlined process makes publishing your research quick and easy, so you can focus on what matters most - advancing your science!

Design submission documents

We will help you draft the perfect submission document, based on the guidelines published by your chosen journal. This will make sure that your submission is well-organized and easy to read. In addition, we'll also help you track the progress of your submitted article through regular email notifications. So save time and let us do all the hard work for you!

Assist Journal follow-up communication

We will keep track of your submission status and send you updates regarding communication from the journal editor, including submitting your revised manuscript if requested. You may choose to resubmit your revised manuscript three times within 365 days after the initial submission. Each time, you must include a letter of explanation outlining why the revised manuscript was not accepted and what steps you have for improve your article for future submissions.

Delivery and Pricing

Our expert reviewer will recommend a list of 3-5 journals based on the following factors:

Turnaround Time Price
3 business days