Manuscript Formatting, Artwork Editing, and Cover Letter services

Our range of services

We know the ropes when it comes to Manuscript formatting and proofreading.

  • We provide feedback on your manuscript formatting and grammar and can help you ensure that your paper meets the highest academic standards.
  • By reviewing any source you may have used, we can identify any inaccuracies or mistakes that could lead to plagiarism accusations.
  • Our assessment will also highlight potential strengths or innovations within your thesis statement or research methodologies.


  • A well-crafted research paper submission format can help to improve your chances of being accepted for a further assignment.
  • Formatting services will help you to polish up the look of your manuscript by correcting grammar, adding citations, and ensuring that all texts are properly formatted.
  • Our professionals also guide you with the best ways to present your findings clearly and make it readable for the audience.
  • Our Artwork editing experts can intensify the overall appearance of research papers by enhancing the graphics, repairing omissions in fonts or layouts, and improving consistency between different sections of the paper.
  • By working with an expert editor, ensure that your Research Paper Submission Format looks best from start to finish!

High-quality artwork and editing for your research papers

Our team of experts has years of experience in the graphic design and advertising industries, and we are passionate about delivering high-quality work that meets all your expectations. We specialize in creating branding elements like logo designs, Flyers/Ads, etc., but can also help with text content editing and even entire website redesigns.

A cover letter that puts your best foot forward

Our team of experienced editors will help you to create well-written letters that match your unique skills and qualifications exactly. We also offer tailor-made services such as resume review and editing, which is essential if you want to stand out from the crowd. In addition to this, we also guide how to write Job applications that maximize your chances of success.

Delivery and Pricing

Our expert reviewer will recommend a list of 3-5 journals based on the following factors:

Word Count Standard Delivery Price
0-4000 words
2 business days
4001-8000 words
4 business days
8001-12000 words
4 to 10 business days
Above 12001 words
On Request

FAQs on Manuscripts formatting and Proofreading services

A well-formatted manuscript will look better in all formats, including PDF, MS Word, and EPUB. It will also be easier for the proofreader to read and understand. Incorrect research paper format can cause the reader to struggle with understanding your arguments or find errors in your text. Furthermore, incorrect formatting can result in lost time due to mistakes that must be corrected.

Common problems include missing semicolons; run-on sentences; duplicate words/phrases; use of too many commas; and incorrect capitalization/punctuation usage. All of these factors can make it difficult for the reader to follow your argument or see where you are linking from one sentence to another. In addition, they can lead to confusion over which word is being used as a noun or verb, making editing more difficult later on down the line when changes need to be made.

We offer a variety of manuscript formatting and proofreading services that will help you polish your work until it shines! Our team includes experienced editors who understand the importance of perfect grammar and punctuation, ensuring that every word looks its best when published online or in print. In addition, we have extensive experience providing quality copy editing Services that aim to eradicate all errors while preserving meaning and originality. Whether you need general copyediting or just one specific area corrected (like sentence structure), we're confident that our team can provide what you need!

When it comes to writing a research paper, creating an outline is an essential step that can help you organize your thoughts and ideas. To begin, start by identifying the main sections of your paper, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion. From there, break down each section into subtopics or supporting points that you want to address. Make sure that each point is clearly defined and supports your overall thesis or research question. Once you have your outline set up, you can begin to flesh out your ideas and research in each section. Remember, the purpose of an outline is to guide your writing process and help you stay focused on your objectives, so be sure to revisit and revise your outline as needed throughout your research and writing.

The turnaround time for art edits depends on how complex the edit is and whether any additional requirements must be fulfilled before printing. However, typically Ciara Art can complete minor edits within 1-2 business days while more complex projects might take up to 7 Business days due to increased workloads during busy periods. Occasionally delays do occur but these are always communicated in advance through updates sent directly through email or text messages once they've been confirmed by management.

-The editor can help improve your overall portfolio by providing feedback on your work from a visual standpoint. This means that instead of relying solely on verbal descriptions, clients can see how your images look together and what issues might need addressing).

-An edited piece may be more persuasive in terms of getting published or earning commissions because it packs a more visual punch. Clients who invest time into their craft tend to reap bigger rewards than those who don't.

-Editors typically have years of experience working with different types of media which allows them to offer sound advice when it comes to choosing, using, and color usage within photos or designs.