Research Paper Plagiarism Checker

We can identify instances of copying or paraphrasing from other sources without proper attribution. This helps to ensure that your content is original and does not infringe on the copyright or trademark rights of others. Additionally, our service ensures that all the texts are properly formatted and are citation-ready to be used in academic papers or presentation decks.

Our tool can not only identify common grammatical errors such as punctuation, spelling errors, and quotation marks but also suggests suitable corrections. It also has a built-in Thesaurus that allows you to find synonyms of obscure words. Overall, this is a valuable resource if you need help with your written work.

We make sure that your research ethics are never in doubt!

The largest database of manuscripts and journal papers in the world, iThenticate, which powers our plagiarism check, thoroughly examines your document for instances of plagiarism.

  • Used by a majority of high impact factor journals
  • 50+ million documents checked for duplication
  • Clear, easy to understand reporting
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How Does the Plagiarism Check for Manuscripts Work?

  • Submit
    Step 1
    You choose iThenticate while sending your manuscript to Researchpaper.
  • Scan
    Step 2
    Using your favorite software, we check your manuscript for plagiarism.
  • Report
    Step 3
    You get a report with links to the original content and a list of possible instances of plagiarism.

Delivery and Pricing

Our expert reviewer will recommend a list of 3-5 journals based on the following factors:

Service Partner Turnaround Time Price / Manuscript
1 business day

Plagiarism Checker

Our research paper writing service offers a comprehensive plagiarism checker that can identify any instances of copying and pasting from other sources without proper attribution. Additionally, the software can detect unoriginality in your writing style, which will help you avoid embarrassment when submitting your work to academic institutions or other venues where quality is important.

We will review your paper and provide you with an overview of any suspicious content or areas where assistance may be needed to make sure your work is properly sourced.

Research Paper Plagiarism Checker

We can identify any instances of copying or paraphrasing from other sources without proper attribution. This helps to ensure that your paper writing content is original and does not infringe on the copyright or trademark rights of others. Additionally, our service ensures that all text is properly formatted and correctly citation-ready for use in academic papers or presentation decks.

Our tool can not only identify common grammatical errors such as punctuation spelling errors, and quotation marks but also suggests suitable corrections. It also has a built-in Thesaurus that allows you to find synonyms for obscure words. Overall, this is an invaluable resource if you need help with your written work.

Research Paper Plagiarism Checker Enables

  1. It helps to avoid copyright infringement and protect your intellectual property rights.
  2. It can help to prevent data theft and other illegal activities that could damage your reputation or business interests.
  3. Plagiarized content is often less engaging and persuasive in research paper outline, leading to reduced click-through rates (CTRs) and lost sales opportunities for your website or brand.
  4. Our software is effective at detecting paraphrased or heavily edited texts as well as fraudulent citations.

Simplify Your Writing Skills with Research Paper Experts

Our tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can detect similarities in the text of two or more documents with a high degree of accuracy. This allows us to provide you with instantaneous notification if any of your content has been discovered as plagiarized. If this is the case, we will help you fix it immediately so that it doesn't impact your ranking or reputation online in research paper publication.

Avoid Incorrect Usage of Words, Phrases & Clauses in Written Documents

Many people make the mistake of using outdated or incorrect words, phrases, and clauses when writing. By using Plagiarism experts, you can avoid making this same error in your written documents. The professionals will help to flag any instances where you may be using an obsolete word or phrase, and they also provide suggestions for alternatives that are more suitable for today's language context.

Techniques to prevent plagiarism in your research paper

  • Active monitoring of the content we have on our website and in our published papers, as well as manual checks.
  • We periodically update our software to detect any potential instances of plagiarism.
  • We use a variety of resources to compile the source material
  • cross-checking against existing sources
  • and performing multiple scans of the final product.

Our Plagiarism Checker Verifie

  • If you’re looking to avoid plagiarism while referencing, and want to use expressions from previous organization papers as a reference, our plagiarism checker is ideal for you. Students' manuscripts by cross-checking them against numerous sources of information, including online databases and citation, MLA, or APA style paper guidelines.
  • Bulk checking for multiple students or an organization by providing academic paper verification.

Frequently Asked Questions

Plagiarism is the act of paraphrasing, stealing, or taking credit for another person's work without giving them appropriate credit. This can be punished by academic institutions and legal systems across the world.

Many users find our plagiarism checker service helpful in preventing their content from being copied without attribution. the software detected any similarities between your original text and other sources that may have been used without permission.

When academic papers are submitted for publication (or any other type), they need to meet certain standards to be accepted. Plagiarized content will not only affect the validity of the paper itself; it may also damage the reputation of the author(s). In some cases, universities may even refuse to accept submissions that have been flagged as containing significant amounts of plagiarized material.

There are several different types of plagiarism, including direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, accidental plagiarism, and paraphrasing plagiarism. Direct plagiarism occurs when someone copies and pastes content directly from a source without citing it. Self-plagiarism happens when someone submits work that they have previously submitted for another class or publication. Mosaic plagiarism occurs when someone takes pieces from multiple sources and puts them together to form a new work. Accidental plagiarism occurs when someone unintentionally uses someone else's work without giving credit. Finally, paraphrasing plagiarism occurs when someone changes the wording of a passage but still uses the same ideas without giving proper credit. All of these types of plagiarism can have serious consequences, so it is important to understand them and avoid them at all costs.

One useful tip is to use plagiarism detection software, which can help identify instances of copying and paraphrasing in your work. It is also important to check references and citations to ensure they are properly cited and used correctly. Another tip is to look for inconsistencies in the language and tone of the paper, as well as sudden shifts in writing quality, which could indicate that the work was outsourced or plagiarized from another source. Additionally, comparing the paper to the source material can help identify instances of copying and reuse of content.

Firstly, they should always start assignments early to avoid feeling rushed and resorting to copying and pasting from other sources. It is also crucial that students conduct thorough research and take detailed notes, making sure to cite all the sources they used properly. Using a plagiarism checker can also help identify any potential problems in a student's work. Lastly, seeking help from teachers and peers can provide valuable feedback and guidance, helping to ensure that students are on the right track and producing original work. By taking these steps, students can prevent plagiarism and practice academic honesty, leading to a successful academic career.